The Integrated Services staff within Lincoln Middle School seeks to develop an educational partnership between home, school and the community that ensures a quality education for students with disabilities to become productive, contributing members of society. We serve students based on needs in a collaborative environment and use research-based instructional strategies to support student achievement.
At Lincoln Middle School we strongly believe in inclusion. Inclusion means that students are placed in classrooms with general education peers to the highest degree possible based on their individual needs. There are many benefits to being an inclusive program including: all teachers differentiate instruction to meet all students needs regardless of ability level, reducing stigma and building relationships, high expectations for all students, and has positive effects for all students in the classroom. We believe in leading the Lancer Way, and that means every student will feel included.
Lincoln has two programs that service students with disabilities: Multi-Categorical and ILS. The
Multi-Categorical Integrated Services program provides students who have mild to moderate disabilities. Services vary based on individual needs of each student identified and are determined through an IEP team meeting with all required members present. Services are specially designed to meet student needs and for student progress, with accelerated growth, in academics, social emotional, behavioral, and functional skills. At our school we provide services within their general education classroom as well as pull out support for math, literacy and social skills when it is deemed necessary. Special educators and general educators co- teach English and Math classes in order to provide differentiation for all students.
The ILS program provides services and supports to students with significant support needs. These students have diverse skills and abilities. Students with significant support needs are best defined as but not limited to students with blindness, low vision, deafness, hard-of-hearing, deaf-blindness, significant developmental delay, complex health issues, serious physical impairment, multiple disability, and/or autism.
The Multi-categorical Integrated Services program provides students who have mild to moderate disabilities. Services vary based on individual needs of each student identified and are determined through an IEP team meeting with all required members present. Services are specially designed to meet student needs and for student progress, with accelerated growth, in academics, social emotional, behavioral, and functional skills. At our school we provide services within their general education classroom as well as pull out support for math, literacy and social skills when it is deemed necessary. Special educators and general educators co-teach English and Math classes in order to provide differentiation for all students.
Special Service Providers
Aleki Davis-Speech Language Pathologist and Department Lead
Patricia Atherly-Occupational Therapist
Melissa French-Vision Teacher