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Spring Sports


Softball is a great opportunity to be a part of a Lincoln Lancer family, having fun and developing both softball and teamwork skills. Everyone is welcome at softball, even if you have had no previous experience. We are looking to learn and have fun together. Lincoln plans to field both a Varsity and Junior Varsity team this year so there is a spot for everyone. We are also able to support equipment needs.

Head Coach-Katie Guilbert, kguilbertontiveros@psdschools.org
Assistant Coach-Julia McCue, jmccue@psdschools.org
Assitant Coach-Amber Foerster, afoerester@psdschools.org


6th, 7th, and 8th Graders

Head  Coach, Faith Jessup-Scott,  fjessupscott@psdschools.org
Assistant Coach, Tessa van de Berg, tvanderberg@psdschools.org
Assistant Coach, Tom Matthews, tmatthews@psdschools.org

Please see the  2025 Track Schedule in Documents on the right of the page


6th, 7th, and 8th Grades

We have spots for 12 boys and 12 girls on the golf team! ALL GRADE LEVELS WELCOME!  No experience necessary!  We have golf balls, and carts for players interested in participating.  Must have physical and athletics paperwork and fee.

 Matches are played once or twice a week at one of the 4 city golf courses – City Park, Mountain Vista, Collindale or South Ridge.

The district DOES NOT PROVIDE TRANSPORTATION from Lincoln to practices or matches.  Parents and students must arrange for rides or carpool.

Boys Head Coach, Chris Colon, ccolon@psdschools.org
Girls Head Coach- Jeffrey McMahon,  jmcmcahon@psdschools.org

Unified Basketball

Official practice starts in April.
Practices - TBD

Head Coach-Cindy Frazen,  cfrazen@psdschools.org
Assistant Coach-Kendra Vigil, kurdiales@psdschools.org

Girl's Soccer

·       Athletic Fee.  A fee of $75 will be collected after tryouts.
·       Equipment.  A uniform (jersey and shorts) will be issued, to be returned at the end of the season.  You are responsible for shin guards (required), soccer socks, practice attire, and cleats.
·       Sports physical.  A sports physical is not required this year.
·       Transportation.  All practices and home games will be at Lincoln.  We will be bussed to away games. 
·       Tryouts.  You will be evaluated on skills (dribbling, passing, ball control, shooting, heading, and defending), fitness (making the most of every practice) and teamwork (punctuality, equipment, etc.)
·       Eligibility.  Normal academic eligibility applies.

Head Coach, Nic Luhan, nluhan@psdschools.org

  • Costo Atlético.  Un costo de $75 será cobrado después de las practicas (tryouts).
  • Equipo.  Un uniforme (playera y shorts) serán prestados, y deben regresarse al final de la temporada.  Ustedes son responsables por las espinilleras (requeridas), calcetas, ropa de práctica y tacos.
  • Examen Físico.  El examen físico no es requerido este año.
  • Transporte.  Todas las prácticas y juegos en casa serán en Lincoln.  Habrá camión para otros juegos.
  • Practicas (Tryouts).  Serán evaluadas en habilidades (dribbling, pases, control de pelota, tirar, cabecear y defender), estado físico (dar lo mejor cada practica) y trabajo en equipo (puntualidad, equipo, etc.)
  • Elegibilidad.  Se aplica la elegibilidad académica normal.

 Flag Football

Lincoln is fortunate to have another Spring Season of Flag Football. 

Practice is two days a week. Participants can also be in Track and Golf while still on the Flag Football team.
Register through the City of Fort Collins Recreator online at : www.fcgov.com/recreator or call 970-221-6655
Open to 40 players. Cost is $89.00. Reduced fee is available through the City of Ft. Collins.

Head Coach Frank Martinez, frankm@psdschools.org





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