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Approaches to Learning (ATL)

Students are also given feedback on their work habits, known as Approaches to Learning in the MYP. There are five broad ATL skills that can be broken down into several specific skills within a particular cluster.  The five general skills and the ATL rubric are provided below:

Thinking skills

  • critical thinking
  • creativity and innovation
  • transfer

Communication skills

Social skills

Self-management skills

  • organization
  • affective
  • reflection

Research skills

  • information literacy
  • media literacy

ATLs are reported using the letters:

E = Expert: You show others how to use these skills and self-assess your use of them

P = Practitioner:  You often demonstrate these skills effectively without being asked

L = Learner: You use these skills if they are shown or specifically asked of you

N = Novice: You have been instructed in these skills, but rarely use them

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