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CMAS Testing Season

We will start CMAS testing on April 1. Please make sure your student comes to school with a charged laptop. They will need both their laptop and charger at school. It is advised they get a good nights sleep and pick up free breakfast in the Cafeteria when they arrive at school.

8th Grade Fort Fun Celebration Information

Please see the fliers below for more information on the annual 8th grade celebration at Fort Fun. 

Celebracion de octavo grado en Fort Fun , 8th Grade Fort Fun Celebration flyer

Student Progress Spring Conferences, February 27 3:15pm-6:15pm

Please join us on February 27 from 3:15pm-6:15pm for our Student Progress Spring Conferences. These conferences are student-led and will showcase their work in their classes. Teachers will be on hand to answer any questions.


No School February 17, 2025

Spirit Week, January 27-31

Lancers, show your spirit by dressing up for Spirit Days

January 27, Monday is Disney Day. Dress anything Disney related

January 28, Tuesday is Team/Group Day. This is the day all your friends can dress alike. 

No School January 20, 2025

In observance of Martin Luther King Day, there will be no school on January 20, 2025. The building will be closed. 

Creative Endeavors Art Show 2024

This is K-12 Poudre School District Art Show that runs from November 21-January 16 at the Foothills Mall, 215 E. Foothills Parkway. There is a Community Reception on Thursday, November 21st from 5pm-7pm.

School of Choice Night/ Noche de la Seleccion de Escuela

December 5, 2024 Lincoln will host their School of Choice Night. Current 5th graders and their guardians will be able to learn what it's like to be a Lancer. Lots of fun activities and information will be on the docket for this engaging night. We hope to see you there.

Camp Timberline 6th Grade

6th Grade Camp Timberline trip is scheduled for October 15-17. Students attending will bring their overnight stuff with them to school and bring them to their Advisory classrooms. Group one departs October 15 and returns October 16. Group 2 Departs October 16 and returns October 17.

Fall Sports Information 2024

Hello Lancers. Please see the graphic below for more information on Fall Sports.

2024-2025 School Supply List

Cultural Immersion Service Trip to Costa Rica

Please consider a donation to this fundraiser for the students attending the Cultural Immersion Service Trip to Costa Rica.

Daily Bell Schedule 2024-2025

* New start time* Classes will start at 7:30am.


2024-2025 Green/Yellow Calendar

Registration 2024-2025( new applicant only)

If you have recently moved to the Lincoln School Attendance area and need to  submit a registration for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year, please go to https://www.psdschools.org/onlineregistration

PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.