I am a third generation Coloradoan. I moved to Fort Collins in 1989 to finish my degree at Colorado State University in English. I was on the softball team for the Student Newspaper while at CSU and met my husband. We were the only two to ever show up for practice. We married in 1994 and have three children. All three of my children are Lancer Alumni. I had a baking business while my kids were growing but retired from that so that I could spend more time with my kids. I started subbing in the Poudre School District, just waiting for something fabulous to come my way. Here I am as the Tech Site Manager at Lincoln. I couldn't be happier to be at a great place like Lincoln. In my free time, I love to be with my family and dogs, garden, hike, paddle board, bake and make chocolate.
I am responsible for the Tech in the building and I also teach the Broadcasting class. We create KLIN News.