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International Service Learning

Lincoln International Service Learning Trip

Lincoln students have the opportunity to participate in a service learning trip to a foreign country. Currently, we are taking students to Costa Rica.  While traveling, students participate in a variety of intercultural experiences, including collaborating with local organizations to conduct service projects alongside the locals. In addition, students learn about Costa Rican culture and the great biodiversity of the rainforest and cloud forest.


Who goes on the trip?

Students will apply to participate during the spring semester of their 6th grade year .  

The application process asks students to reflect on their leadership experience and potential, their dedication to their school and community, and their ability to contribute to a positive travel experience for the group.  The applications are evaluated and a group is selected.  This group is placed in a specific Advisory class starting the fall semester before the trip.  There are a handful of required meetings, required curriculum, and post-trip responsibilities that each participant must agree to complete.  We typically travel in November, the week before Thanksgiving break.


How can my student participate?

Current 6th graders should attend our initial information meeting on Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 5:30 PM in the Lincoln auditorium.  We will go over more detailed information about the trip (itinerary, cost, etc), requirements for participation, and explain how students can apply for the November 2025 trip. 

We will also hold a community dinner where this year’s travelers will present about their trip on March 12, 2025 from 5:15-7:15 PM in the Lincoln cafeteria. Applications will be due shortly after these two events.

Specific questions can be directed to any one of our International Travel Team:

Rob Behrens rbehrens@psdschools.org
Julie Israelson jisraels@psdschools.org
If you are interested in contributing to the Costa Rica scholarship GoFundMe (sponsored by Lincoln’s PTO), please use this QR code or link to make a donation that will help an applicant who is in need of some support in making this dream come true.  gofundmelink

A qr code to a gofundme page to raise funds for students who wish to attend the Costa Rica Service Learning Trip





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